Thursday, June 21, 2007

You Can't Come In

Last night in the city. All packed and ready to go but not ready to leave.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

If I should fall from grace with god

I saw ZFT today and he gave me some more new records (also gave me a reason to call everything, including MP3 albums, "records" because they're all recordings). He's the second friend I've pillaged music from. It's so sweet. Here's some of the good stuff.

The Delfonics - Didn't I (Blow Your Mind This Time)
The Boomtown Rats - Looking After No. 1

I'm so sad that I'm leaving my external hard drive with all this great music on it. Oh so many Guided By Voices records. I'm in heaven...

Monday, June 18, 2007

The bomb will keep us together

Taking a cue from ag I've made a list. But not a list of things I need to do for the rest of my life. No, this is the practical list of things I need to do before I leave. One of them is what I plan to do with the blog over the summer. After this week, I'll probably be posting twice a week; once on Tuesday and again on Thursday. If everything goes according to plan, my blog should be interesting this summer.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Graduation Day

This is seriously the best picture from the ceremony (that I'm going to put on the Internet)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

returning to the scene of the crime

For various reasons, I never attended my undergraduate convocation. Therefore, today I had to return to Windsor to get ready for my early morning convocation. My family is getting up at 5am, driving 4 hours tomorrow morning to get here. If I had done the same thing I would have had to leave at 3:30am so now I'm staying a very cheap motel and wondering how I spent eight months here.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

understanding the mind of the blogger

I understand people's need to restrict access to their blogs but I don't like it at all. It seems odd that people both want the world to know what's what in their lives and at the same time want only specific people to read it. Personally, I wouldn't write anything on my blog that I wouldn't say in public. It's a public forum. I know that some people ruin it for everyone else but still... I'm just a little upset because I used to read a bunch of people's blogs but they've had to go "private" and if I haven't actually made a personal connection with the author I've lost that blog.

Okay, I know that I'm not making sense but this is a rant. it doesn't have to make sense. It's just supposed to let me say my peace.

And I know I hide behind a nickname but that's how I get around the "having a public blog" issue. and since most people who read this blog now who I am, it doesn't really matter. I just don't want people finding this blog when they search my name. My elementary school friends don't need to know this shit. Nor do my future students (some of those early posts are a little embarrassing).

There are tons of mistakes but I'm gonna leave them in until tomorrow when I can fix it with a clear mind (it's a little late).

Sunday, June 10, 2007

I can't wait for Sunday morning

Carly had this lovely veggie sandwich for brunch.
Dumplings, Asian Greens and Bread - nice and light
Elvis Costello & Burt Bacharach - I'll Never Fall In Love Again

Friday, June 08, 2007

Another night (this time with pictures)

According to Google Earth, this is "Toronto" (this is where the red dot is).
Mac works for a company that, as of tomorrow, might be owned by the same parent company that owns MTV Canada. She's not pleased. We saw the movie Waitress. It was okay but long and a little artsy. Makes me want pie.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Lazy Jane Painter

Waking up has been a real problem for me of late. Need to do something about that. Also saw Knocked Up. Wasn't as good as I thought it would be but it will still be good.

Sunday, June 03, 2007


I used to hang out with this guy in high school. Haven't really spoken to him since but I can say "I knew him when..."

These late nights are killing me

Didn't get home until 6am because people thought being out until 4:30 in the morning was a good idea.

Note to self: Next time don't leave your car keys in your friend's apartment.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

You're Kisses Are Wasted On Me

The Pipettes rocked... and danced... and stole the hearts of everyone in attendance.