Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Losing my favourite game

The last couple of posts have been brief because I've been trying to pull my thoughts together.

I like that my desk over looks random houses across the street. It isn't the greatest view but it's better than a wall. I need to get another curtain so the sunlight doesn't bleach my books.

Last week I spent an afternoon taking streetcars and walking around the city. I had some odds and ends to pick up but my overall plan was just to wander. Hadn't done that in a while. Used to do it all the time. It was the first day of UFC's job. I didn't know what to do with myself so while I was wandering I felt like an old man travelling simply because he had nowhere else to go. After an initial sigh, I got on my way and it was fantastic.

I take the streetcar to work everyday. Travelling above ground is so much better than below via subway. I don't feel the need to own a car and public transit serves my needs well. There has been an outcry recently about service on the TTC, specifically the attitude of unionized employees. I don't know exactly where I stand on this subject. I mean most of the people complaining probably aren't ideal workers themselves. It's a difficult position to take. People should just be nice to each other.

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