Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Don't Rely on Your Resume

According to this blogger, your resume should end the application process rather than start it. This is an interesting concept that makes a lot of sense. You can write and re-write your resume but in the end it can't really speak for you. Resumes, like all official correspondence, are dead documents. All your resume can do is show you're qualified for the job. Yes, I know it's difficult to filter out the crap when anyone can apply online, but still.

I'm in the process of looking for a new job. Not sure exactly what I want to do, I'm applying for things that look interesting, even if I'm not exactly totally qualified. I've gotten better at writing my cover letter and I believe my current resume is decent. It's good to be looking while I still have a job.

What I need to do is start a blog with mini-reviews of the books I've read over the last couple of years. Set it up as a part of my website, and make it a resource for educators or other interested people. Could work well. First I need create my own website, buy the domain name, and make it good and interesting.

1 comment:

kmac said...

Try Tumblr. It is mini-blogging in it's most beautiful and simplest form. Will also take a domain if you buy one.