Monday, August 16, 2010

Pictures of Pittsburgh

Don't know if you can see too clearly from this picture but that sandwich includes french fries, coleslaw, and tomatoes on top of meat & cheese. It was excellent. I was a little sore for the rest of the afternoon. Too much food for one sandwich. Primanti Bros., you're alright.
From the parking lot of theatre where I saw Scott Pilgrim (81% Fresh Rating). I assume this means there was an old factory on the site before it was turned into a strip of big box stores. Anyway, back to the movie. Went to the late show, had a beer before the movie which was different but good, and basically enjoyed the movie. While Toronto was in the movie, it didn't go over the top. Seems to make some good money. I'm glad. The spirit of the books was captured by Wright. I think I'm going to see it again in a couple of days/weeks. Then I'll know if it was good or not.
Don't know exactly what transformers have to do with Pittsburgh but...
So Pittsburgh is in river valley, surround by rather large hills.
From inside the Andy Warhol Museum (shh... we weren't supposed to take pictures). UFC enjoying herself in some installation art. Have to say I really liked most of Warhol's art. The ideas he presented are interesting and he's had a HUGE influence overall culture in the last fifty years.

Overall it was a great weekend getaway. I'd tell anyone that Pittsburgh is an interesting town. Wished I could have spent more time there.

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