Saturday, May 27, 2006

So much for my happy ending.

I will never get over how a simple song can make you feel better. I've been feeling a little down today for no reason in particular. I got to hang out with my "other half" and see X-Men: The Last Stand (which was kind of awesome because I had to sit beside these two kids who were totally on their first date EVER. It was an entire movie of glorious teenage dating awkwardness). Okay, I think I've got to explain this. One of my friends is dating this guy who UFC thinks is my twin. She thinks we look the same, have similar mannerism, and have the same vibe except he isn't as angry as me (We must keep in mind that UFC thinks I'm a really angry young man, which I totally deny. She thinks it's hilarious). He lives out of town, but we went out for drinks last night where I mentioned that I was going to see the X-Men movie and decided it would be fun to see it as well. And it totally was. Anyway, I'm not down because of this. In fact, I got over the idea of uniqueness years ago. I'm not special in any extraordinary way. I'm just me and that's totally cool. Back to the music... I finished watching Land of the Dead on television and I was just feeling down. No real reason, just down. I started surfing the web and put Winamp on shuffle. And Fairytale Of New York came on. I know, I just can't stop talking about this song, but I'm starting to realize that it's one of my favourite songs. There's no particular reason. I just think it's beautiful. Preacher #54 uses it for dramatic flare. I think that specific comic is one of my favourite single issues. It really hit me where it matters. The Pogues' brightened my day.

Have you ever cried when listening to a song? I'm not talking about crying because the song reminds you of some painful memory, but simply because the song is beautiful. It's only happened to me once. Which song you ask? Well, that's my own personal secret. I can't tell you everything, can I?


amanda said...

yes you can.

Damien said...

Dude, we're hitting out tonight to see the Xman flick, I keep hearing that main characters die left right and centre, well anyway.

Hmm can't remember if I've cried recently to music, I almost broke down in tears when I found my dog
chewing up my ipod, hope that counts.