Monday, October 17, 2005

in need of medical attention

Diet Pepsi with Lime sucks.

I don't like at all. When will they learn to stop fucking with cola? No good ever comes of it. Cola is the one mass produced product that I would buy irregardless of its environmental/political/social ills. I can't say that about any other type of soda, or pop, for that matter. Aren't addictions great?

Note: I had to get my "big" dictionary to make sure I had used "irregardless" corretly, and just so everyone knows I didn't. The correct word should have just been "regardless" but I choose to stand behind my original choice. I bought my big dictionary at a university book sale for 16 dollars. It's really big and weights a lot. It was published in 1968 and is the unabridged Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary, 2nd edition. I like it a lot. Sadly, I had been using it as a foot stool for the last little while because it was on the floor. I've since cleaned up my room but I still don't have a pratical spot for it. It's useful, but also a complete pain to store, like almost everyone else I own.


Anonymous said...

dude, 'irregardless' is a double negative AND I KNEW THAT DICTIONARY-LESS SO SUCK IT!

(sorry,that was a bit aggressive)

hiroshi ryan said...

I know you're smarter than me. That's not the issue. I just wanted to show off my impressive dictionary skills.